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Uh OH! This is my second time of being awarded the Rocking Girl Blogger award. Extreme embarrassment and an inability to figure out what to do about it caused me to ignore it the first time. I'll recognize it this time. :-)




Yea! Thanks for spreading the rockin' girl blogger love. I'm glad to see some more rockin' women I know on your list and will be sure to check out the newbies.

Smooch. :)


awwww . . . you sure know how to make an emotional pregnant girl feel good. smooches on your head.

Soccermom Elaine

OK, I totally feel off the beautiful mess wagon and had no idea she was all knocked up! Must go squeal at her.

And thanks for the kudos, although the place is kinda a mess at the moment. Changing everything and being all, "whaaa, I'm an artist that needs an outlet, poor me!"

But seriously, I adore you. You make me feel all squishy inside... in that GOOD way!

New Jordans

It's great to hear from you and see what you've been up to. In your blog I feel your enthusiasm for life. thank you.

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